Stories in School of Business

30 results

Jasmin Hirn with the sky and clouds behind her
View Jasmin Hirn


Jasmin from Germany, studied MSc International Marketing. Now a FT Regional Sales Manager, she looks back on her journey with us.

Published on 29 September 2021 


A team of students from the University of Dundee have received a major boost in their quest to end poverty in the city, by winning a UK wide competition

Published on 1 May 2021 


Despite the challenges over the last year, our BAcc Accountancy students continue to impress graduate recruiters, with many of the current 4th years already securing graduate jobs.

Published on 1 May 2021 


Congratulations and well done to all our 3rd year Advanced Financial Accounting students who participated in a mock CPD workshop as part of their assessed course

Published on 7 December 2020