Support for technicians

Our commitment and support for technicians in the University of Dundee.

On this page
“In pursuit of our triple intensity and social purpose, technicians at the University of Dundee use their technical expertise, specialist knowledge, and practical, analytical, and management skills to make a wide range of vital contributions to research, teaching, and innovation.”

The University of Dundee has adopted the Higher Education and Technician Educational Development (HEaTED) definition of a technician

Recognising the important role technicians play in research, teaching, and supporting students the University of Dundee signed the Technician Commitment in June 2021. The University has about 350 staff in the job category ‘Technical’. But, this does not include all individuals who work in a technical role.

The Technician Commitment is a national pledge to support technicians in universities and research institutions, across all disciplines. The Commitment includes 4 key areas:

  • Visibility
  • Recognition
  • Career Development
  • Sustainability

The Technician Commitment is led by a steering board of sector bodies. It has support from the Science Council and the Technicians Make It Happen campaign.

Technicians SharePoint

The Technicians SharePoint site contains information, support, and opportunities for technician staff at the University.


There are two groups responsible for the steering and delivery of the Technician Commitment. 

Technicians Commitment Steering Group Terms of Reference 

  • To advocate for the University of Dundee's technical community.
  • To initiate and deliver actions aligned with the University's Technician Commitment obligations.
  • To secure the long-term sustainability and availability of technical skills throughout the University.
  • To ensure the exchange of best practices with other institutions and organisations.

Reports to University Executive Group

Technicians Commitment Leads Group Terms of Reference

  • To advocate for the University of Dundee's technical community.
  • To promote, nurture, and empower technicians to reach their potential.
  • To facilitate communication between the steering group and local technicians.
  • To aid technicians in obtaining professional registration or recognition.
  • To ensure technicians are identified in departments and their work is recognised.
  • To help build a vibrant cohort of technicians in the University through networking and learning events.
  • To share examples of local good working from across the university.
  • To build connections and opportunities for learning from best practices from across the local region.
  • To propose and deliver career development opportunities for technicians.
  •  To serve as a pool to represent technicians on university committees (for example, as per the H&S committee).

Reports to Technician Commitment Steering Group

Self assessment and action plan

Text logo with the words Technician Commitment

An important part of the Technician Commitment is conducting self-assessment, setting an action plan, and reviewing progress.

Our initial action plan outlines the activity we have planned for our first 2-year period as a signatory of the Technician Commitment.

Self assessment and action plan


Marine Engineering students in the lab

Key contacts

Name Role Email
Professor Nicola Stanley-Wall Academic Champion for Technician Commitment
Jennifer Gallagher Technician Champion for Technician Commitment
Andrew Dodds Technician Champion for Technician Commitment
Alasdair Napier Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design
Kirsty Thomson Library Services
Dr Sandra Oza Research and Innovation
Adam Rodger School of Dentistry
Craig Phillips School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
Mark Dorward School of Life Sciences
Karen Bollan School of Medicine
Calum MacRobert School of Science and Engineering
James Rourke Estates and Campus Services
Contact us