Plant Sciences

An internationally recognised centre for molecular plant science.

On this page

Plants form the basis of life on Earth providing food, fuel and even the oxygen we breathe. Research in plant science is central to facing global challenges of food security, renewable energy, conservation and climate change. The Division of Plant Sciences was established in 2007, creating an internationally recognised centre for molecular plant science addressing these themes by increasing understanding of genes and processes underpinning important plant traits (yield, disease resistance, stress tolerance, developmental characteristics, end-use quality).

Plant Sciences currently has eleven PIs and is supported by external funding from BBSRC, EU, industry and others. We are located at the James Hutton Institute on the outskirts of Dundee with whom we have a long-standing strategic partnership supported by five joint appointments, substantial collaborative external funding and PhD studentships.

The partnership brings together our discovery-based molecular plant science investigating fundamental questions of plant biology, with scientists with knowledge of applied research in crop species including front-line crop and pathogen genomics, genetics and cultivar production.

This vibrant centre for plant science provides opportunities for excellent scientists with research ideas relevant to funding priorities interested in developing new collaborations and translational opportunities.

Public engagement

We are passionate about engaging the public about our science and the critical importance of plants in all of our lives.

Head of Division

Deputy Head of Division

Academic staff


Principal Investigator

Dr Balcerowicz is a plant molecular biologist with a specific interest in how plants perceive and react to their environment, particularly to light and temperature signals. His areas of expertise include plant development, plant genetics, light signalling, temperature sensing and plant responses to climate change.

Portrait photo of Martin Balcerowicz
View Dr Martin Balcerowicz



Key contacts

Name Role Email
Jennifer Gallagher Lab Manager
Michele Liney Lab Management Support Technician
Margo Petrie Divisional Secretary
Dr Davide Bulgarelli Public Engagement Champion
