Research in Life Sciences

The University of Dundee is one of the leading universities in Europe for research in Life Sciences. We make fundamental discoveries on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying health and disease in humans, animals, plants, parasites and bacteria.

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Top university in the UK for Biological Sciences

Research Excellence Framework 2021

At the School of Life Sciences, we make fundamental discoveries on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying health, development and disease in humans, animals, plants, parasites and bacteria. We apply them to global challenges in infectious disease (particularly neglected tropical diseases), morbidities associated with ageing (including neurodegeneration and cancer) and sustainable agriculture. Recent assessments and rankings widely recognized as indicators of scientific excellence place Dundee high in their rankings.

In the most recent UK-wide assessment of research quality in UK higher education institutions – REF2021 – Dundee was ranked the top university in Biological Sciences.  

CWTS Leiden Ranking 2024

Leiden Rankings

The University of Dundee is 7th in the UK, 8th in Europe, 18th in the world for Biomedical and Health Sciences Impact.

View the Leiden Rankings website

Research divisions, centres, and units

scientist filling up tube in lab

The School of Life Sciences is structured into divisions, centres and units. This allows research groups studying similar topics to be grouped together to encourage collaboration and interdisciplinary working.

Learn more about our divisions, centres, and units


girl working at computer screen

Our research activity is underpinned by state-of-the-art facilities and in-house support

Facilities and in-house support