Equality Diversity and Inclusion: what we do

On a day to day basis we progress equality through our Equality Outcome Action Plan. The actions have been agreed and are in place to support our equality outcomes.

On this page

Progress is reported on quarterly to the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (ED&I). The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office supports action owners to deliver on their actions and mainstream equality within their business area.

University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Chaired by the University Secretary, this committee is a subcommittee of the University Court. It is where the University leadership meets with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office and representatives from staff networks, trade unions and student representatives to identify and address any matters related to equality and set out the strategic direction for the University.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office

The Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer are subject matter experts, with many years experience in equality work in HE and other sectors. They provide advice, training and guidance on all aspects of equality to staff and students across the University. They provide direct support to School Equality and Diversity Committees and their coordinators and have responsibility for reporting on progress to the University ED&I Committee. They are also responsible for preparing our Equality Mainstreaming Report, Equality Outcome Action Plans and Equal Pay and Pay Gap reports.

Equality and Diversity Coordinators

Our School Coordinators were appointed in 2017 and their role within the schools is vitally important to promoting the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda out to staff and students in the schools. They have a key role in supporting the staff and students in their Schools and the providing direction to the School Management Team in relation to day to day equality matters

Many of the Coordinators are also the Athena Swan representatives for their school and some are Athena Swan role models.

Equality Impact Assessment

We use Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) to assess whether our policies and strategies meet the needs of our staff, students and wider community. We have staff trained in every School and Directorate to undertake EQIAs, while the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office provide ongoing support and guidance. For more information on EQIAs contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer at 01382 384103.


Equality and Diversity Training is mandatory for our staff. We have a range of five different online modules. In addition, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office provides face to face training on general diversity awareness and the protected characteristics, unconscious bias, disability and reasonable adjustments and Equality Impact Assessment.

Our Talent and Development team has a program of courses, which are available and include courses related to equality, diversity and inclusion.

For more information about our training, please contact Ciara Morgan at c.m.morgan@dundee.ac.uk.

Athena Swan

Athena Swan is a charter that recognises and celebrates good practice towards the advancement of gender equality. We have been involved in the Athena Swan Charter Mark programme for a number of years now and the University and several of our Schools hold Bronze Awards. The Athena Swan committees are part of our School Equality and Diversity Committees and a number of our Equality and Diversity Coordinators are assessors for Athena Swan applications. We also have a dedicated Athena Swan Coordinator, who supports Schools with their applications and action planning.

Advance HE Race Charter

The University will be applying for the Advance HE Race Charter Mark and our BME Staff Network lead on that. For our students and staff who are black and minority ethnic (BME) it is important that they know they are fully supported by the University and the Charter Mark is one way of showing our commitment to them and the University community.


We are members of Stonewall, supporting and actively promoting equality in the workplace for LGBT people. Our LGBT+ Staff Network develop our annual application for the Workplace Equality Index and partner with the LGBT+ Society to promote LGBT+ equality and events, such as LGBT History Month.