The SAT is divided into 4 workgroups, working on specific areas of the REC application. Each workgroup will:
Define, and monitor, data sets (and related qualitative information) required to support development in each area of activity.
Map race-related work across the University and identify gaps in pursuance of the core areas of the Charter.
Develop SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) actions to achieve REC objectives. These actions should be owned by people who have adequate influence and seniority to complete them. Accountability for delivery of actions should preferably lie with the respective workgroup leads and be built into existing institutional reporting mechanisms.
Establish key indicators of progress, which can be reported to relevant committees when required.
Reflect upon, and propose, any developments or enhancements needed to current process or policy to better support race equality.
REC Working Groups and membership
Working Group 1
Institution and Local Context, Profile & Civic Engagement, Leading University Culture Change
Historical and/or background information that is relevant to UoD’s RECM application.
Dundee city population and demographics
Known racial tensions within local communities or linked to the institution’s staff and students
How does UoD engage with specific minority ethnic communities and how do those communities engage with the UoD (Communications & External Engagement)
Any additional information that UoD considers relevant from a civic perspective to its RECM application
Review current UoD culture: staff and stakeholder perceptions and knowledge.
How is communication used to initiate and promote culture change?
Director, External Relations
Senior Public Engagement Officer
UoD Museum Curator
Disabled Staff Network Chair
Academic Staff Rep
BME Network Rep
Head of EDI
Working Group 2
Staff Profile: Academic, PSS, Staffing issues, Recruitment, Progression & Development & Research Excellence Framework
This work stream will report on:
Academic and PSS recruitment
Academic and PSS Staff Training
Staff Appraisal/development review
Academic and PSS promotion
Profile-raising opportunities
Grievances and disciplinary processes
Decision-making boards and committees staffing profiles
Equal pay
BME inclusion, REF and leadership development
Director, HROD
Dean, Art & Design
Professional Service Staff
People Manager Strategic Projects
Clinical Staff Rep
Academic Staff
BME Network Rep
Working Group 3
Student Pipeline: Admissions, UG student body, Attainment, PG pipeline, PG employment, International student issues
This work stream will report on:
Student admissions
Composition of undergraduate student body
Course progression
Attainment/Award Gaps
International recruitment
Postgraduate pipeline
Postgraduate employment
DUSA and Student Support Services
Director, Strategic Intelligence
Director, Student Admissions & Recruitment
Student Services
AD Internationalisation
PhD/Masters Student Reps
Undergraduate Student Rep
BME Network Rep
Working Group 4
Teaching and Learning: Course content, Teaching and Assessment Methods, Academic Confidence
This work stream will look at how well diversity is embedded in our curriculum and L&T practices. Exploring, for example:
Whether UoD programmes provide a range of learning and teaching approaches and whether learning outcomes and/or competence standards adversely impact upon or discriminate against particular students or groups.
Whether the curriculum content is sensitive and varied, informed by different social and cultural perspectives, and builds on students’ educational interests, experiences, and aspirations.
Whether the UoD provides sufficient flexibility in all its programmes to accommodate student diversity and individual pathways.
Whether programmes that make appropriate use of technology in the curriculum may inadvertently discriminate certain students or groups from participating. This is also relevant in the context of blended learning and whether certain student groups may be disadvantaged due to poor technology/internet access.
Processes that ensure staff have access to information, advice and guidance in order to design an inclusive curriculum, including decolonisation of the curriculum