External resources for equality, diversity and inclusion
Stonewall Scotland support equality in the workplace for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission are the body responsible for ensuring organisations in Scotland meet their responsibilities. The offer guidance and provide an advocacy service.
Advance HE is a UK wide body which works to promote equality and best practice in the HE sector. The are the owners of the Athena SWAN and Race Charter marks.
LGBT Youth is an organisation with youth groups across Scotland, including Dundee. They provide advice and support for young people ages 13 to 25.
The One World Centre in Dundee promotes equality, diversity and inclusion through education in local schools and community groups through active learning.
Interfaith Scotland is an organisation that promotes good relations between the different faith groups in communities across Scotland.
Dundee International Women’s Centre provides support for women to develop themselves, through confidence giving, education and skills development. Their focus is mainly but not solely on women from our black and minority ethnic (BME) community in Dundee.
Fife Centre for Equalities supports the delivery of services to protected groups in Fife. They work in partnership with NHS Fife and Fife Council.
Regional Equality Councils provide a wide advocacy service on all the protected characteristics, particularly related to race. There are four councils across Scotland:
- Grampian Regional Equality Council
- Central Scotland Regional Equality Council
- Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council
- West of Scotland Regional Equality Council
Scottish Disability Equality Forum provide advice and guidance on all matters relating to disability. They are coordinators for the Scottish wide network of Access Panels, whose role is to provide local advice on disability and support in local areas.