Drug Discovery Unit

We translate basic science into lead compounds to validate putative drug targets, to use as tools to investigate disease pathways and, when appropriate, advance to pre-clinical drug candidates.

On this page

We work to biotech style philosophy and standards incorporating, dynamic, goal driven project management based on target product profiles and compound selection criteria. Our major research themes are: 

  • neglected tropical diseases
  • innovative targets and pathways

The DDU has all of the capabilities required for:

  • early phase drug discovery
  • assay development
  • high throughput screening
  • cell biology
  • medicinal chemistry
  • structural biology
  • computational chemistry
  • DMPK

All of these capabilities operate under one management structure to ensure an integrated approach and rapid progress.

Currently the team is about 120 people and includes substantial experience from the pharmaceutical/ biotech sector. This website contains details of current programmes and supporting infrastructure.

Head of Unit



Name Role Email
Dr Laura Cleghorn TB Portfolio Manager L.A.T.Cleghorn@dundee.ac.uk
Dr Vincent Postis Molecular Interaction Team Leader vpostis001@dundee.ac.uk
Dr Gary Tarver Synthetic Methodologies Team Leader g.j.tarver@dundee.ac.uk
Dr Duncan Scott Team Leader dscott004@dundee.ac.uk
