Stories in School of Science and Engineering

33 results

Two Dundee students and two secondary school pupils pose around a mock-up rocket landing tower build, made out of wood
View You can’t be what you can’t see - Dundee students inspire the next generation of engineers

Press release

Secondary school pupils have been getting stuck into engineering activities as part of a University of Dundee initiative to raise local aspiration and increase diversity and inclusion in the sector

Published on 19 July 2023  Collection: Gender Equality , Quality Education , Reduced Inequalities


As a team of forensic scientists and researchers’ we’ve got a new twist on Secret Santa that involves a little detective work involving festive fingerprints!

Published on 2 December 2019 


The University of Dundee’s Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science (LRCFS) is tasked with ‘disrupting positively’ forensic science

Published on 19 April 2019 

solar flare in the sun
View Studying the Sun


A team of mathematicians within the Magnetohydrodynamics & Astrophysics Research Cluster is generating a series of equations which will help to predict powerful solar explosions caused by the sun’s magnetic fields

Published on 19 April 2019