Stories in School of Life Sciences

36 results


A PhD student at the University of Dundee and James Hutton Institute has been selected as Young Plant Scientist 2018 in the fundamental research category by the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO).

Published on 19 December 2017 


Professor David Coates, of the D'Arcy Thompson Unit, Biological and Biomedical Sciences Education in the School, has been presented with his MBE that he was awarded in HM The Queen’s Birthday Honours List this year.

Published on 11 December 2017 


Professor Mike Ferguson CBE, Regius Professor of Life Sciences and Academic Lead for Research Strategy in the School was awarded a Doctor of Science (DSc) in today’s winter graduation at the University of St. Andrews

Published on 7 December 2017 


The University of Dundee is the world’s most influential pharmaceuticals research institution, according to a major global survey that places it ahead of the likes of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California Berkeley.

Published on 27 October 2017 


Scientists from the International Barley Hub have discovered a genetic pathway to improved barley grain size and uniformity, a finding which may help breeders develop future varieties suited to the needs of growers and distillers.

Published on 17 October 2017 


All living cells make proteins to carry out nearly all the jobs that keep them alive, including the enzymes that speed up chemical reactions and molecular pumps that move molecules from one place to another.

Published on 9 October 2017