Court and committees
The University Court is the governing body of the University.
The University Court has responsibility for the employment of staff and the management and administration of property and finance.
The Court has a number of Standing Committees, some of which have Sub-Committees. In addition, it establishes Working Groups and other bodies from time to time, charged with specific and time-limited tasks.
Court papers
Court meets five times per year. Minutes of meetings are deposited in the University Archives.
In accordance with the Court's policy on openness, any person may request papers referred to on the agenda for a Court meeting. Papers will be made available to staff and students via the links below following the date of the meeting once draft minutes have been approved for release by the Chair of Court, with the exception of those considered by the University Secretary to be particularly sensitive (e.g. containing personal details, legal advice or information of commercial value). Requests relating to these should be made to
- Audit and Risk
- Finance and Policy
- Governance and Nominations
- People and Organisational Development
- Remuneration
- Risk Management Oversight Group
- University Superannuation Fund Trustees
- Welfare and Ethical Use of Animals
Sub-committees and reporting groups
Related information
Court Administrator
4th Floor Tower Building
University of Dundee
Dundee DD1 4HN
+44 (0)1382 385826