Stories in School of Life Sciences

19 results


Natalie Bamford, a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the lab of Nicola Stanley-Wall, has been awarded a prestigious two-year EMBO Long-term fellowship.

Published on 17 August 2020 


The School has welcomed three new group leaders in recent months. They are currently establishing their laboratories across three of our divisions.

Published on 4 December 2019 

Portrait photo of David Gray
View Personal Chair for David Gray


David Gray has been promoted to Personal Chair. He takes the title of Professor of Translational Biology which is in recognition of his extensive work within the Drug Discovery Unit (DDU) and Wellcome Centre for Anti-Infectives Research (WCAIR).

Published on 2 October 2019 


Dr Sarah Coulthurst has been awarded one of the most prestigious prizes in microbiology for her work studying how bacteria are able to cause disease.

Published on 26 October 2017 


A collaboration between Professor Julian Blow’s lab in Gene Regulation and Expression and the Drug Discovery Unit has provided insights into how differences between normal cells and cancer cells could provide a novel anti-cancer therapy.

Published on 4 August 2017