General health and safety policies

On this page


How we follow best practices in asbestos management and provide full information on asbestos to anyone exposed and affected by asbestos under the University’s control


How the University controls the risks to people and property when using autoclaves.


How the University reduces and manages the risks arising from the storage, handling, and use of compressed gas cylinders.


How the University recognises its legal responsibilities under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007.


A policy detailing how the University reduces risks arising from the storage, handling, and use of cryogenic materials.


This policy sets out procedures to minimise the health risks of using Display Screen Equipment and to ensure compliance with regulations


How we protect the health, safety, and welfare of staff, students, and visitors to the University from potential hazards associated with the use of electricity


How equipment should be used and maintained in order to minimise the risk of injuries to staff, students, and visitors.


A policy for the health, safety and welfare of staff, students and visitors associated with attendance at events.


How the University manages risk in relation to staff and student fieldwork.


The University of Dundee has a duty to provide first aid for staff. This policy details the arrangements made for this.


How we protect the health, safety, and welfare of staff, students, and visitors to the University from potential hazards associated with the use of gas


How the University adopts good laboratory practice to reduce the risks to staff and students carrying out research in a laboratory.


As hybrid working is now a formal arrangement, workplace health and safety measures are also formally extended to off-campus working.


This policy sets out the arrangements for controlling legionella in the University’s water systems, plant and specialist equipment


Our aim is to reduce noise and vibration in the workplace to as low a level as is reasonably practicable for its staff, students, contractors and visitors


How the University manages risk in relation to the installation and use of pressure systems.


A policy detailing how the University manages refurbishments to ensure health and safety risks are minimised.


This policy defines the no-smoking areas on campus, what happens if you breach the policy and how to register a complaint