
Cryogenic Materials Policy

Updated on 4 August 2010

A policy detailing how the University reduces risks arising from the storage, handling, and use of cryogenic materials.

On this page

Policy statement

University of Dundee recognises the risks arising from the storage, handling and use of cryogenic materials and is committed to reducing these risks to a level that is as low as is reasonably practicable through a pro-active management program. This program will be based upon training staff in operating procedures that are developed from risk assessments


Deans will ensure that risk assessments and safe operating procedures for the storage, handling and use of cryogenic materials are carried by competent staff following the guidance on the Safety Services Sharepoint website.

Deans will take reasonable steps to ensure that only staff authorised to use cryogenic materials can do so after they have been instructed in safe operating procedures.

Staff and post-graduate students must follow safe operating procedures at all times, and report any shortcomings or concerns to their line manger, or School Safety Representative.

Safety Services will provide upon demand general awareness training in the safe use of cryogenic materials.

A guidance note on storage and handling of cryogenic materials is available on the Safety Services Sharepoint website.

Document information

Document name Cryogenic materials
Policy number 46/2010


Corporate information category Health and safety