
Smoking policy

Updated on 10 January 2023

This policy defines the no-smoking areas on campus, what happens if you breach the policy and how to register a complaint

On this page

Policy statement

The University of Dundee will fulfil the requirements of the Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005 and The Prohibition of Smoking in Certain Premises (Scotland) Regulations 2006 It will also take all reasonable steps to minimise exposure to second hand smoke (or passive smoking) as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 since such exposure may cause lung cancer, heart disease and other illnesses.



The term “smoking” includes the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material or other vapours, for example those emitted by electrically heating materials (e.g. electronic cigarettes).

No smoking areas

Smoking is prohibited:

  1. within University Buildings including Residences;
  2. at entrances to University Buildings;
  3. within vehicles owned and operated by the University;
  4. within private or leased vehicles used during University business to transport a University employee or student who does not smoke tobacco products;
  5. anywhere within NHS managed premises.

Smoking is permitted a reasonable distance (taken to be a minimum of 6m) away from a building to ensure that tobacco smoke does not enter into the building by any means.  Smokers should also be mindful of how smoke/vapour could be carried into a building by the wind.


This policy applies to all staff, students, visitors and contractors.


Deans/ Directors are responsible for ensuring that staff, students, visitors and contractors are made aware of this Policy and that they comply with its requirements.


This Policy forms part of the University’s Health and Safety Policy and non-compliance may lead to disciplinary procedures for staff and students. Contractors and visitors/members of the public who breach the policy may be asked to leave the campus. 

If anyone is found smoking within University Buildings or in another location or manner that contravenes this policy, any member of staff should ask them politely to move to a location where smoking is permitted.  If they refuse, the staff member should explain to them that they and the University could be fined under the 2005 Act they could be required to leave University property or they could be subject to disciplinary action (as appropriate).  If the person still refuses to comply or the situation escalates, the staff member should move away and contact University Security.

Complaint procedure

Staff wishing to register a complaint regarding non-compliance with this Policy should contact first their Dean/Director.  If this complaint is not dealt with to their satisfaction, staff should raise a grievance using the formal University procedure.

Smoking cessation

The University Health Service provides information about smoking cessation for staff and students, and the Occupational Health Service provides information for staff, including health promotion activities related to smoking cessation.

Other sources of support include:

This policy was approved by Health, Safety and Welfare Committee on 5th December 2022 and will be reviewed biennially by Safety Services.

Document information

Document name Safety Policy Arrangement 20-2002 (rev 2022) No Smoking Policy
Policy number 20/2002

Safety Services

From People
Corporate information category Health and safety