Occupational Health Service

We offer an accessible but confidential service to all employees and give impartial advice to achieve the best interests of both employees and the University.

On this page

You may be referred to the Occupational Health Service by the People team, your Unit manager, Safety Services, or you may refer yourself.

Our main aims are to:

  • provide advice and support relating to any adverse effects of work on health or health on work
  • support managers in their responsibility for maintaining the health, safety and welfare of staff
  • ensure that University achieves best practice in the management of occupational health risks.
  • reduce ill-health absence and the incidence of work-related ill health.

The usual things we do are:

  • advise individuals and units, including referral to a physician if needed
  • proactively intervene in suitable cases of sickness absence
  • occupational health surveillance
  • assist with rehabilitation, redeployment, ill-health retiral cases, and disability adjustments
  • employment health screening
  • arrange Hepatitis B Immunisations
  • health promotion activities

If you are experiencing health problems that are affecting your work you can talk to us in confidence.

For treatment and general health matters, you should contact your own GP, since Occupational Health can only provide a service for work-related issues.

Post Covid Syndrome (Long Covid)

We offer support and advice regarding return to work adjustments to both manager and employee. This can be arranged through management referral or self referral for staff who have contracted Covid-19. We will contact the person confidentially to offer support and advice, which can include considerations relating to return to work.

The Faculty of Occupational Medicine has produced guidance for employees and managers in relation to Post Covid Syndrome and returning to work, which may be helpful.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland have produced an information booklet about Post Covid Syndrome. It is intended for anyone suffering from symptoms of Post Covid Syndrome.

Health promotions

An LNER branded HST with 9 coaches crosses the Tay Bridge with a park and bandstand in the foreground

We produce a range of health promotion material to encourage and assist you in leading a healthier life.

View our latest health promos
Make an appointment

We are available on Level 1 of the Support Hub in the OTI Building.

Phone: +44 (0)1382 386948 or +44 (0)1382 385410

Email: occupationalhealth@dundee.ac.uk


Key contacts

Name Role Email
Marnie Finlayson Occupational Health Office Administrator m.z.finlayson@dundee.ac.uk
Lynsey McNaughton Clerical Assistant L.Mcnaughton@dundee.ac.uk
Elaine Russell Occupational Health Adviser erussell004@dundee.ac.uk
Sally Davies Occupational Health Adviser sdavies002@dundee.ac.uk