
Equipment used at work policy

Updated on 9 June 2010

How equipment should be used and maintained in order to minimise the risk of injuries to staff, students, and visitors.

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The University of Dundee recognises that the correct selection, use, and maintenance of work equipment is essential to minimise the risk of injuries to staff, students, and visitors.


Work equipment is defined in the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 as installations, machines, appliances, and tools for use at work. This is an extremely broad definition that includes a wide range of equipment from simple hand tools to complex machines such as cars. It includes furniture, IT equipment, and disposable items.


Deans or Directors must ensure that at the time of purchase all work equipment is fit for purpose, and complies with the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992, as amended in 1994.

Deans or Directors must ensure that activities involving work equipment are risk assessed to manage the risk of injury to staff, students, and visitors. Activities include:

  1. installation and commissioning
  2. adjustments
  3. normal use
  4. maintenance
  5. breakdown
  6. dismantling/removal

The risk assessment should consider:

  1. suitability of work equipment  (i.e. used for its intended purpose in an appropriate environment)
  2. inspection regime and maintenance schedule of work equipment
  3. mechanical, electrical, radiation, thermal, noise, vibration, materials and substances, and ergonomic hazards of work equipment and control measures
  4. training and supervision requirements of staff and students
  5. instruction and information given to staff and students
  6. monitoring procedures
  7. statutory inspections necessary and records of maintenance, test, and repair

Deans or Directors can delegate this task to their line managers who should ensure work equipment is inspected and maintained by competent individuals. They should provide appropriate training, information, and instruction to staff and students, and ensure work equipment is used correctly through adequate supervision.

The risk assessment must be recorded to the relevant extent wherever there is a significant risk of injury identified or there is need for training, instruction, maintenance, or statutory inspection

Deans or Directors must ensure that risk assessments, inspection records, and maintenance logs are kept for a minimum of 5 years. 

Staff and students must use work equipment according to instructions and training, and must report defects in work equipment to their line manager.

The School or Directorate Safety Representative should co-ordinate risk assessments, and report non-compliance to Deans/Directors. 

Document information

Document name Equipment used at work
Policy number 33/2006 (Rev. 2010)


Corporate information category Health and safety