
First aid policy

Updated on 30 May 2022

The University of Dundee has a duty to provide first aid for staff. This policy details the arrangements made for this.

On this page

1. Policy statement

The University of Dundee recognises its duty to provide first aid for its staff, and it will also ensure that these arrangements take into consideration other people for whom the University has a duty of care.

1.1 Arrangements

Deans/Directors are responsible for ensuring that a sufficient number of suitable staff are nominated and resourced to be First Aiders or Appointed Persons to provide first aid for staff, students and visitors within their School/Support Service.  The number required depends on a risk assessment that considers: foreseeability and severity of injuries; number of staff, students and visitors; staff absences and work patterns; specific activities (e.g. field trips); cover provided by Security staff and First Aiders from other Schools/Support Services; and proximity to emergency services.  These arrangements should cover staff working outside normal working hours and those working in specialised facilities.  A suitable risk assessment form can be found on the Safety Services SharePoint website.

Deans/Directors must ensure that all their staff know how to summon first aid assistance.  This information should be documented in the School/Support Service H&S Policy and Handbook, and displayed on First Aid Notices, which must be kept up to date. 

First Aiders and Appointed Persons must ensure that first aid boxes are kept adequately stocked and must keep records of all treatments in respect of injury or ill health. They should only provide treatment that they have been trained to provide.  Additionally, if treatment has been given as a result of an accident at work, the University’s accident reporting procedure must also be followed. 

First Aid training and supplies are provided by Safety Services (e-mail safety@dundee.ac.uk; ext 84104).

2. Guidance note on first aid

2.1 Who are First Aiders and Appointed Persons?

First Aiders are staff who hold a current first aid certificate issued by a Health & Safety Executive approved organisation.  A First Aid at Work Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of a 3 day training course. The certificate is valid for 3 years and refresher course must be undertaken before the expiry date of the certificate, otherwise the full training course must be undertaken to renew it.

Appointed persons are staff who have completed a 1 day first aid training course and attended a refresher course every 3 years.

2.2 What items should a First Aider / Appointed Person hold?

  • Fully stocked First Aid Box– supplied by Safety Services.
  • PPE
  • Treatment record
  • This guidance note.

2.3 What responsibilities do First Aiders / Appointed Persons have?

  • Monthly check of First Aid Box.
  • Keeping records of all first aid treatment given.
  • Ensuring that their First Aid Certificates do not expire.

2.4 How do I deal with risks from infection when dealing with bleeding & resuscitation?

Disposable gloves should be available and blood spillages should be cleaned up promptly with a suitable disinfectant. When undertaking resuscitation, rescue breaths should ideally be used, but if you have concerns regarding infection risk from this activity, compression-only resuscitation is an option.

2.5 How do we call for an ambulance?

The appropriate University Emergency number should be used:

City Campus and Botanic Gardens4141*
Wilson House4141*
Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, and Dental School2222*
Kirkcaldy Campus9-999
Riverside Playing Fields999
Frankland Building77-4141

*If calling from a mobile, dial 01382 384141 or 01382 632222

Regardless of who makes the initial emergency call, every effort should be made to ensure that the person liaising with the ambulance control operator has direct communication with the casualty/first aider (If it is not possible for the person to be physically with the casualty, the communication could be via a mobile phone or two-way radio instead). The direct communication is vital because the ambulance controller may ask to speak with the casualty or ask questions that the first aider needs to answer. Inability of the ambulance controller to do this can delay appropriate clinical prioritisation of the case and so delay an ambulance arriving.

Note that when dialling 4141, Security Control can initiate a 3-way conversation between the caller, themselves and ambulance control. This can help Security to provide additional support quickly. However, if a direct 999 call is made to ambulance control, please ensure this is followed up with a call to 4141 (or 2222 if at Ninewells) so that Security are aware of the situation and can assist.

2.6 Should First Aiders /Appointed Persons accompany ill or injured persons?

This depends on the circumstances. If the patient is transferred by ambulance to hospital, then the First Aider/Appointed Person does not accompany the patient. However, if the patient is transferred to hospital or taken home by taxi then the First Aider/Appointed Person or a nominated responsible person could accompany them. Taxis should be used for this purpose and charged to the School/Support Service.

2.7 Should next of kin be advised that first aid treatment has been provided?

Yes, except in the case of minor injury. Next of kin should be contacted as soon as possible, especially if the person is going to hospital or home.

2.8 Can a First Aider /Appointed Person give an aspirin?

Where, in the opinion of the First Aider / Appointed Person, someone is suspected of having a heart attack, current first aid advice is that 1x300mg aspirin tablet may be given. The following important points must be noted:

  • Suitable 300mg tablets are located in defibrillator bags and at some other key locations (First Aiders/Appointed Persons should familiarise themselves with where the tablets are). Tablets must NOT be kept in first aid kits
  • The First Aider / Appointed person should, if possible, seek the advice of a medical professional or 999 call handler before giving aspirin
  • The First Aider / Appointed person MUST confirm with the person that they are NOT allergic to aspirin before giving it
  • If the person has their own aspirin, that may be taken instead
  • ONLY ONE 300mg tablet is to be given and the person must take it themselves, being directed to CHEW the tablet slowly, not swallow it

2.9 Can a First Aider / Appointed Person administer the patient’s own medicine?

The First Aider / Appointed Person should assist the patient by reaching for the medication but should allow the patient to administer it to him/herself.  In extreme emergency of anaphylactic shock, the First Aider / Appointed Person, or another trained work colleague may administer an Epipen.

2.10 What First Aid Equipment & Facilities are provided?

A standard first aid box or portable first aid kit must be made available. The contents of the box or kit must be in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

2.11 What equipment should be contained in a portable first aid kit?

First aid kits should be kept in an easily identifiable (green with a white cross), watertight box and should include:

  • Guidance card
  • 2 medium sterile dressings
  • 2 large sterile, unmedicated dressings
  • 2 individually wrapped triangular bandages
  • 2 sterile eye pads
  • 20 adhesive dressings (plasters) in assorted sizes
  • 6 safety pins
  • Disposable gloves

No medication of any kind (e.g. aspirin, paracetamol, sprays or creams) may be kept in the first aid kit (aspirin for suspected heart attack is kept separately at locations around campus).

2.12 Who provides first aid materials?

Safety Services will provide first aid materials.

2.13 Should first aid material be discarded if it is beyond its expiry date?

Any first aid material beyond its expiry date should be returned to Safety Services for replacement. Contact safety@dundee.ac.uk; ext. 84104 for replacements.

2.16 Who organises first aid training?

Training is organised through Safety Services upon receipt of a signed First Aid Needs Assessment form.

2.17 How many first aiders are needed?

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require simply that “adequate and appropriate” numbers of first aiders are present while work is being undertaken. The HSE provides additional guidance (INDG214) to clarify this. A First Aid Needs Assessment form must be completed, but for low risk areas one first aider per 100 people (or part thereof) and for high risk areas one first aider per 50 people (or part thereof) is usually sufficient.

An important issue concerns restricted access/very high risk areas. In such locations there may either be an access restriction that prevents first aider from outside the area accessing casualties within the area and/or there may be specific hazards that pose a risk to first aiders who enter the area. Where possible, first aiders who work in the area and are familiar with the hazards/access methods should be appointed. Where this is not possible, a process must be in place that facilitates access of first aiders if needed (for example, being escorted by a trained and competent member of staff who has knowledge of the hazards present in a very high risk area).

2.18 How do staff obtain first aid assistance?

Staff should make themselves aware of how to contact First Aiders/Appointed Persons in their places of work.  Contact details are available on First Aid Notices posted throughout buildings, in School/Support Service H&S Policies and on the Safety Services Sharepoint site.  Out of hours at the City Campus first aid assistance can be obtained by dialling 4141, or at Ninewells Hospital by attending A&E. 

2.19 Should first aid treatment be recorded?

Yes. Treatments must be undertaken strictly in accordance with the training provided. First Aiders / Appointed Persons must record details of all treatments in respect of injury or illness. Additionally, if treatment has been given because of an accident at work, the University’s accident reporting procedure must also be followed.

2.18 Where can I get further information?

Contact Safety Services (Ext 84104)

Document information

3.1 Equality Impact Assessment

This policy has undergone screening for potential impact on equality aspects and none have been identified.

3.2  Approvals & Renewals

Document name First Aid
Status Approved
Responsible officer, department, or school People
Policy owner Health, Safety and Welfare Committee
Date last approved 30-05-2022
Due for review 30-05-2024
Authorised and approved for publication Yes
Date authorised for publication 06-06-2022
Information classification: public or internal Public
Location in repository N/A
Approval route and history Health Safety & Welfare Committee
Code N/A


Corporate information category Health and safety