Stories in School of Medicine

23 results


As part of the recent British Orthopaedic Association Congress, two of our orthopaedic trainees/honorary clinical fellows gave a session for high school students with a particular interest in science.

Published on 12 October 2023 


Mr Thanos Tsirikos gave a series of spinal lectures to students studying the MCh (Orth) at the University Department of Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery (UDOTS).

Published on 10 March 2023 


Master of Orthopaedic Surgery (MCh Orth) students participated in a hand & wrist dissection demonstration and workshop using Thiel Cadavers.

Published on 6 December 2022 


The Robertson Scholars programme, in partnership with the Robertson Trust, supports Scottish students from challenging backgrounds to access a university education

Published on 17 December 2021 

Heart by Anthony Head
View Discovery Days 2021

Press release

Vacuum cleaners that unblock brain vessels, super normal design for extraordinary bodies, and the ways in which our medical data can aid the COVID-19 fight are just some of the topics to be explored at the University of Dundee next week.

Published on 6 January 2021