Research in the School of Medicine

We provide a high quality research and training environment for more than 500 scientists and clinicians.

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We aim to act locally and have impact globally by improving health through teaching and research.

The School of Medicine is based on the University of Dundee’s Ninewells campus, co-located with Ninewells hospital (one of the largest teaching hospitals in the UK). We are: 1st in the UK for Medicine and Medical Technology (2021 Complete University guide); most influential scientific research institution world-wide in pharmaceuticals (Clarivate Analytics 2006-2016) and 5th in the world for field-weighted citations (2019 CWTS Leiden Rankings). Our researchers have featured in the Reuters/Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers List and was rated 1st in the UK for Impact in REF 2014.

Translational research and teaching in the School of Medicine focuses on the application of discovery, knowledge transfer, research and innovation, improving our understanding and treatment of disease and the maintenance of health. Our shared vision is to develop a vibrant community where the interconnected activities of research and teaching are uniformly respected, discussed and valued, and where we train the next generation of clinical and non-clinical academics. We will promote inter-disciplinary activity, encouraging cross-division and cross-school collaboration, work in partnership with the NHS, our local and the global community.

Research divisions

Research within the School of Medicine is organised into five Divisions:

Research is organised thematically across divisions and schools in order to enhance inter-disciplinary partnerships and is strongly informed by our close working relationship with NHS Tayside through Tayside Medical Science Centre (TASC) which supports researchers in the delivery and governance of high quality clinical research and provides patients with access to innovative treatments, interventions and medicines.

The Centre for Medical Education carries out world-class research into faculty development; technology enhanced learning; Social, Health and Wellbeing and Research and Evaluation Methods.

Research themes

The principal research themes of the School of Medicine are:

  • Precision Medicine
  • Health and Bioinformatics
  • Translational Neuroscience
  • Cancer
  • Infection and Anti-microbial Resistance
  • Cellular stress and metabolism
  • Medical Education
Figure illustrating cross divisional research thematic structure. Divisions are represented as 5 vertical columns.  Overlaying these divisions are arrows with text representing the research themes.

Six research themes crosscut the work of our Divisions. Precision Medicine, Health and Bioinformatics, Translational Neuroscience and Cancer crosscut all five Divisions: Cellular Medicine, Systems Medicine, Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Population Health and Genomics, and Imaging Science and Technology. Our Infection and Anti-microbial Resistance theme cuts across three Divisions: Systems Medicine, Molecular and Clinical Medicine, and Population Health and Genomics. Our theme of Cellular Stress and Metabolism cuts across four Divisions: Cellular Medicine, Systems Medicine, Molecular and Clinical Medicine, and Population Health and Genomics.

We also pride ourselves on delivering an excellent research-led teaching and learning experience for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Science. School of Medicine research staff are members of the cross-school Biological and Biomedical Science Education Unit formed in collaboration with the School of Life Sciences to deliver research-led teaching to undergraduate BSc and MSci students. We have a vibrant programme for undergraduate research projects (BSc (Hons) and intercalated BMSc), Masters by Research and PhD students and provide training for postdoctoral researchers supported by research awards and personal fellowships.

Our research impact

Our research changes clinical practice and informs government policy and health guidelines
Research impact from the School of Medicine

Postgraduate research opportunities

The School of Medicine offers a broad range of PhD and masters by research opportunities
PhD opportunities Masters by Research in Medicine