Stories in School of Life Sciences

32 results

school of life sciences building
View New Coronavirus Toolkit allows for ‘open access’ of antibodies and genetic tools to further global research into Covid-19 variants

Press release

An international consortium, led by scientists in Scotland, have devised a Coronavirus Toolkit which gives researchers from across the world open access to a wide range of materials to further Covid-19 research.

Published on 25 February 2021  Collection: Good Health and Well Being


Dr Greg Findlay from the Medical Research Council Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (MRC PPU) has been awarded tenure.

Published on 19 November 2018 


Scientists in the School have confirmed that a key cellular pathway that protects the brain from damage is disrupted in Parkinson’s patients, raising the possibility of new treatments for the disease.

Published on 7 November 2018