Stories in School of Life Sciences

14 results


Dr Greg Findlay from the Medical Research Council Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (MRC PPU) has been awarded tenure.

Published on 19 November 2018 


Scientists in the School have confirmed that a key cellular pathway that protects the brain from damage is disrupted in Parkinson’s patients, raising the possibility of new treatments for the disease.

Published on 7 November 2018 


All living cells make proteins to carry out nearly all the jobs that keep them alive, including the enzymes that speed up chemical reactions and molecular pumps that move molecules from one place to another.

Published on 9 October 2017 


Life Sciences researcher Professor Karim Labib has been awarded £2million to explore the role that one of the most fundamental processes in cell biology plays in cancer.

Published on 18 September 2017