Stories in School of Science and Engineering

26 results

Data on screen
View Report offers new policy statement and recommendations on access to public sector data in Scotland

Press release

Scotland can position itself as a leading Ethical Digital Nation by adopting new recommendations regarding private sector access to data held by the public sector, according a new independent expert report.

Published on 31 August 2023  Collection: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


As a team of forensic scientists and researchers’ we’ve got a new twist on Secret Santa that involves a little detective work involving festive fingerprints!

Published on 2 December 2019 

Press release

How important is DNA in court proceedings? While often cited in fiction and on screen, how reliable is an individual’s genetic code in securing a conviction or proving a person’s innocence?

Published on 13 May 2019 


The University of Dundee’s Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science (LRCFS) is tasked with ‘disrupting positively’ forensic science

Published on 19 April 2019