Intermediate Financial Management module (BU22003)

Introduces students to issues associated with capital budgeting, risk, working capital management, security valuation, and finance theory.

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The role of a financial manager is complex, but this module gives an overview of common responsibilities that this job is likely to include. This will help you to consider it both as an employment route, but also when working with others in an accountancy context, allowing you to better understand the financials of the organisation. 

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn how investment decisions are made - choosing between building new factories, buying new machines or developing new products etc.
  • different techniques for investment decisions and associated risks linked to large capital expenditures
  • learn about investment in working capital - such as stock, debtors and creditors.
  • be introduced to finance theory.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand the different techniques which companies use when deciding to invest in large capital projects
  • decide how to incorporate risk into investment appraisal decisions
  • manage working capital within companies
  • explain the main theories that underpin financial management (Agency Theory, Stakeholder Theory, Market Based Research)
  • analyse financial data using spreadsheet packages such as Excel

Assignments / assessment

This module will be assessed through:

  • Lab based class test (20%)
    • This will involve Microsoft Excel
    • This is held in the final teaching week of Semester 2
  • Final exam (80%)
    • This will involve a closed book invigilated exam
    • This will be held in the April/May exam diet

Teaching methods / timetable

  • Each week will have 3 one-hour lectures in-person
  • Each week will have 2 one-hour tutorials
  • From week 4 onwards there will be one lab session a week.
Week Topics covered
1 Introduction to investment appraisal
2 Investment appraisal techniques
3 Advanced investment appraisal techniques
4 Capital budgeting and inflation
5 Capital budgeting and inflation
6 Reading week
7 Incorporating risk into investment appraisal
8 Portfolio theory approach to investment appraisal
9 Risk adjustment and investment appraisal
10 Working capital management
11 Finance theory



This module is available on following courses: