Stories in School of Medicine

8 results

Nicole Hindley walking in the countryside with Skye on her back
View ‘My grandad helped build Dundee’s School of Medicine. Now I’m graduating with a PhD!’


When Nicole Hindley steps up to the Caird Hall stage at graduation this Friday, there will undoubtedly be a mixture of emotions. Relief her PhD is secured yes, but also nostalgia, gratitude and pride at completing a generational family circle.

Published on 18 June 2024  Collection: Quality Education


As part of the recent British Orthopaedic Association Congress, two of our orthopaedic trainees/honorary clinical fellows gave a session for high school students with a particular interest in science.

Published on 12 October 2023 


Mr Thanos Tsirikos gave a series of spinal lectures to students studying the MCh (Orth) at the University Department of Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery (UDOTS).

Published on 10 March 2023 


Master of Orthopaedic Surgery (MCh Orth) students participated in a hand & wrist dissection demonstration and workshop using Thiel Cadavers.

Published on 6 December 2022