Business Information Systems module (BU11003)

Learn the uses and applications of information systems within organisations focusing on techniques and technologies supporting the finance function.

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The module will provide a framework for understanding and using various business information systems. You will focus on the attributes of good information, its communication, and its impacts on decision-making.

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • learn the principles of change and project management
  • explore the role of accounting systems in business processes, transaction cycles, and internal controls

You will also gain an understanding of recent developments in information technology and their impacts on the business and accounting profession.

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • define and compare different information needs within an organisation and describe the roles associated with managing and communicating information
  • identify and discuss the technologies of business systems, their recent developments and their impacts on the businesses, business processes and accounting profession
  • relate particular business systems to management information needs and explain how information is gathered, processed and used within an organisation
  • manipulate and present data gathered from various sources and show the use of information and communication technologies
  • write project reports and show the ability to work as part of a team

Assignments / assessment

  • Excel class test (20%)
  • group project (20%)
  • written exam at the end of the semester (60%)

Teaching methods / timetable

You will learn via on-campus lecture sessions, tutorials, and computer lab sessions.

A typical week will consist of 2 one-hour long lecture sessions and 2 computer labs or 1 computer lab and 1 tutorial session.

During certain weeks additional sessions may be arranged to invite guest lecturers.


This module is available on following courses: