Introductory Financial Accounting module (BU11001)

Learn the basic accounting procedures involved in producing the financial statements of a business or organisation.

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Accountants prepare, use and communicate information, to allow others to make critical business decisions. Some of that information will be used for internal business decision-making (management and financial accounting information). The information can also be used to make external business decisions (financial accounting information only).

As such, accountants must understand how basic accounting information is compiled. This module focuses on financial accounting information and will give you an understanding of the role of Accountant to help you in your career.

What you will learn

In this module, you will :

  • consider the wider issues of accountability in our everyday lives
  • investigate accountability within a business context by identifying the users of financial accounting statements and establishing some fundamental accounting concepts

By the end of the module, you will:

  • know how to account for both cash and non-cash transactions
  • be able to prepare financial statements of a sole trader and a partnership (Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Profit/Loss)
  • understand how financial statements are prepared for a business entity that has incomplete accounting records

Assignments / assessment

Online assessment (20%)

  • Multiple-choice assessment will be based on the materials delivered in weeks 1-5
  • The test will be delivered in week 7

Written exam (80%)

  • This assessment is a closed-book exam based on the materials delivered in weeks 1-10
  • This exam will be delivered at the end of the module

Teaching methods / timetable

Each week you should expect two lectures and two tutorials per week, around 4 hours in total. All teaching materials will be made available before the classes, and you will be expected to attempt some examples before each tutorial.

You should expect around 12-15 hours of independent study per week for this module to complete all of the reading, pre class work and assessment tasks.

Week Topics covered 
1 The wider issues of accountability, users of financial statements and fundamental accounting concepts
2 Books of original entry
3 Journal entries, nominal ledger and trial balance
4 Statement of Financial Position
5 Statement of Profit/Loss
6 Reading week
7 Non-current assets
8 Accruals, pre-payments, bad and doubtful debts
9 Incomplete records
10 Partnership accounts

There are 10 weeks of teaching for this module. The exact dates of teaching and/or reading weeks will be confirmed at a later date.


This module is available on following courses: