Talent and Resources

Supporting employers to develop the skills of their workforce

Supporting employers to develop the workforce of tomorrow.

Discover how we can work with you. We provide opportunities for you to develop your skills, ideas and business resources.


With a range of programmes and events designed to prepare individuals and teams for the business world and to catapult new ideas into the market, discover how you can develop your enterprise.

See our Centre for Entrepreneurship

Recruit talent

Dundee has a talented pool of students and graduates – a valuable resource in the workplace. We are here to help and advise with recruitment, working with you to understand your business needs and provide a tailored range of services to help you achieve your goals.

Explore potential with our Employer team

Graduate Apprenticeships

We are one of the providers of a major new programme of Graduate Apprenticeships launched by Skills Development Scotland (SDS).

Graduate Apprenticeships are a combination of work-based learning and high quality education which allows both employers and students to benefit in a number of ways.

Learn more about Graduate Apprenticeships

Interns and Work Experience

Offering internships and placements can be hugely beneficial to your organisation and can provide our students with an opportunity to shine in the workplace.

Learn more about Internships