Educational and Life Transitions research theme in Education and Social Work

The Educational and Life Transitions (E&LT) theme has been focusing on transition across the life course, especially those linked to educational transitions (but by no means exclusive to education)

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This E&LT research theme aligns with the University's Research Centre for Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT). The former is a School Academic theme whereas the latter is a university wide centre with added representatives from different Schools across the university. The Centre is hosted within the School of Education and Social Work.

The research in the E&LT theme has highlighted the positive, dynamic and complex nature of transitions with the need to understand them as:

  1. an on-going process
  2. holistic and dynamic (Educational and Life Transitions theory, E&LT)
  3. multiple and multi-dimensional (Multiple and Multi-dimensional Transitions theory, MMT) with changes in identity
  4. requiring on-going support (SN-ABC theory) to ensure the wellbeing of the individual and significant others such as their family, peers and professionals

Current projects

  • Developing a primary-secondary transitions emotional wellbeing scale
  • Multiple and multi-dimensional transitions experiences of people living with neurological conditions and their significant others (Scottish Government funding)
  • COVID-19 and teachers' transitions
  • Using drama to support the health and wellbeing of pupils transitioning to secondary school
  • New medical graduates' transitions (Lisi Gordon CI, CSO funding)
  • Transitions of health care graduates due to COVID-19 (Divya Jindal-Snape PI, CIs from Schools of Nursing, Medicine and Dentistry, Tenovus funding)
  • Analysis of GUS dataset to understand primary-secondary transitions (ScotCen PI, Divya Jondal-Snape CI, Scottish Government funding)

Academic leads

Divya Jindal-Snape
Professor in Community Education
+44 (0)1382 381472

Beth Hannah
Senior Lecturer in Educational Psychology 
+44 (0)1382381463

Lisi Gordon
Senior Lecturer

Research supervisors