Stories in School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

15 results

Photograph of student Gene Lim
View Gene's story


Gene is from Singapore and discovered Dundee when she flew to Scotland for her brother’s graduation. She fell in love with the city and she describes why it is one of the best choices she has ever made.

Published on 3 July 2020 

a group of 17 people facing the camera and smiling
View Pits not pitfalls


Natural resources utilisation can help or hinder a nation’s development. We help governments across the developing world achieve the positive outcomes that they want from their natural resource endowments.

Published on 10 June 2020 


Brexit called into question what many had based life choices on: that as citizens of the EU they could move, live, and work freely. Our research examined whether that citizenship is a fundamental right that people cannot be stripped of against their will.

Published on 5 June 2020 


Our students recently participated in a public mock trial in Dundee. They re-examined the medical evidence which led to the execution of William Bury, the last man to be hanged in Dundee.

Published on 1 September 2018 


Adam is from Scotland, and he had a passion for Physical Geography since school. He talks here about why he loves getting out in the field.

Published on 12 March 2018