Stories in School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

14 results

Photograph of student Amelia Mah
View Amelia's story


Amelia Mah, from Scotland, graduated in 2020 with her Undergraduate LLB Degree and is now studying for her Diploma in Professional Legal Practice

Published on 3 July 2020 


George is a fourth year student on the LLB Scots Law. He’s also the editor of the Dundee Student Law Review. He explains how he came to study here and why Dundee was the right choice for him.

Published on 1 September 2019 

Press release

A hitherto undiscovered civilisation living beneath the River Tay are set to emerge from their aquatic asylum and deliver their verdict on our species when the University of Dundee hosts the UK’s national celebration of the humanities later this year

Published on 4 July 2019 

Press release

Vladimir Putin’s presidency of Russia prevents potentially dangerous political elements from seizing control of the country, a University of Dundee expert has said

Published on 15 April 2019