Stories in School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

10 results


Farkhanda is a fourth year student on our MA Education Course, here’s her story.

Published on 22 November 2021 

Chloe Harper
View Chloe Harper's story


Chloe is a PGDE Secondary (Chemistry) student. She shares her story on how she came to be on the course, what inspired her and what her hopes for her future as a teacher.

Published on 22 November 2021 

Aine Bidgood in her graduation gown
View Aine Bidgood's story


Aine is a PGDE Secondary (English) student. She shares her story on what inspired her to become a teacher, what advice she would give someone considering the PGDE course and more. 

Published on 22 November 2021 

Courtney Stewart
View Courtney Stewart's story


Courtney is a fourth year student in our Education MA (Hons) course and shares her story on what inspired her to get into teaching, why she initially thought she couldn’t and what her hopes are for the future.

Published on 22 November 2021 


To his detractors, he has ridden roughshod over human rights and set back the cause of women and minorities by decades. But to his tens of millions of supporters, Donald Trump is the plain-speaking everyman who will Make America Great Again.

Published on 16 November 2018