Trials at TCTU

Explore our portfolio of active and completed trials.

On this page

TCTU supports high quality clinical research trials, including randomised clinical trials (feasibility and pilot trials that inform the development of phase III trials) and large epidemiological cohort trials.

We have experience and expertise in performing clinical trials in a wide range of disease areas and patient populations, including respiratory diseases, Hepatitis C, kidney disease, anaemia, aging, cancer therapy and cancer screening. We are always interested to expand this portfolio to new research areas.

Current trials

We have listed our current trials and their status. If you are interest in participating in one of our recruiting trials or want more information, please see the trial website for more details.

Completed trials

We have highlighted some of our completed trials, to demonstrate breadth of disciplines TCTU has worked across and the range of support TCTU can provide.


Our output and impact from clinical trials can be seen through our publication profile.