
This course is taught online through various methods including:

  • online study materials
  • telephone or video conference tutorials - both individual and in groups
  • webinars and online lectures
  • email communications

Recognition of prior learning may be available for up to 50% of the course, subject to approval, allowing you advanced entry.

The course can take around two to three years to complete, depending on your own circumstances. Most students study one module at a time, however there is a fast-track option to study two modules together.

Each 30 credit module will take an average of 15 hours per week of study time to complete. For those on the fast-track route this will be around 30 hours per week.

  • For the Masters (MEd) award you will need to complete four 30 credit modules plus one 60 credit dissertation
  • For the PG Diploma award you will need to complete four 30 credit modules
  • For the PG Certificate award you will need to complete two 30 credit modules


Assessment methods are tailored to each module and vary depending on modules chosen. They can include:

  • written assignments
  • written projects
  • writing skills assessment
  • other forms of coursework

Module list

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