Asset Pricing module (BU41028)
Learn how the value of financial assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and other investment instruments are decided.
You will explore pricing theories and models that determine the appropriate prices or values of assets.
This module gives insight into how investors perceive and evaluate various investment opportunities.
Learn how Asset Pricing seeks to understand what moves markets and sets prices of financial instruments.
What you will learn
In this module, you will:
- understand the markets and characteristics of fixed income and equities
- use models of for asset valuation and to test their empirical relevance
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- discuss portfolio formation and different management styles
- explore financial data using specialised software
Assignments / assessment
Test 1 (50%)
- due in week 6
Test 2 (50%)
- due in week 10
This module does not have a final exam.
Teaching methods / timetable
You should expect two hours of lectures and one hour of tutorials each week, additionally you will also have workshops to learn how to use the specialised software.
This module is available on following courses: