Building the Organism module (BS12011)

Learn about the structure, function, and organisation of cells in the body’s organ systems

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Module code


The module addresses organismal growth, including information on the cell cycle and cell replication, and the transfer of information from DNA to protein, as well as from generation to generation in evolutionary processes. It considers physiological systems and the specialisation and organisation of cells into major organs and body systems, critical for key biological processes.

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • understand key cellular processes: mitosis, meiosis, and binary fission, along with the stages of the cell cycle
  • explore the mechanisms of gene expression and the role of ribosomes
  • learn the genetic basis of heredity and address inheritance of simple and complex traits
  • gain an introduction to population genetics and explore facets of phylogenetic analysis
  • examine organism development, including germ layers, and learn an overview of the key features of the body plan
  • taking examples from different organisms, investigate the developmental origins of critical body systems (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal)

Assignments / assessment

The module is assessed by computer marked assessments, designed to test your ability to apply your learning to solve appropriate problems. As part of this, a group assignment will involve accessing the scientific literature and building your team-working skills.

Teaching methods

  • lectures
  • workshops
  • online formative tests

You will learn through a mix of lectures and workshops. Learning material is provided through lecture notes and videos, examples, and online tests to check your learning as you go along.


This module is available on following courses: