Stories in School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

10 results

Heart by Anthony Head
View Discovery Days 2021

Press release

Vacuum cleaners that unblock brain vessels, super normal design for extraordinary bodies, and the ways in which our medical data can aid the COVID-19 fight are just some of the topics to be explored at the University of Dundee next week.

Published on 6 January 2021 

Photograph of student Gene Lim
View Gene's story


Gene is from Singapore and discovered Dundee when she flew to Scotland for her brother’s graduation. She fell in love with the city and she describes why it is one of the best choices she has ever made.

Published on 3 July 2020 


Adam is from Scotland, and he had a passion for Physical Geography since school. He talks here about why he loves getting out in the field.

Published on 12 March 2018