Quantum Mechanics I module (PH31005)

Learn about the behaviour of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level

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Quantum mechanics is essential for understanding both light's behaviour and nature's fundamental forces. It has transformed our understanding of the physical world. It has challenged our perceptions of reality. It shows that particles can exist in many states simultaneously and that observing them can change their behaviour.

This module is the first in a series. It will help you build a fundamental understanding of quantum mechanics.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • study the postulates of quantum mechanics
  • gain understanding of the theory that enables the prediction of experimental outcomes
  • learn about Schrödinger’s time-dependent and time-independent equations
  • use wave mechanics methods to study quantisation, tunnelling, and other fundamental physical processes

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand the mathematical operators of quantum mechanics
  • interpret the meaning of the wavefunction
  • perform calculations of position and momentum uncertainties
  • solve one-dimensional problems, including for particles encountering a narrow potential barrier

Assignments / assessment

  • coursework (20%)
  • final exam (80%)

Teaching methods / timetable

You will learn through seminars and interactive problem-solving workshops.


This module is available on following courses: