Introduction to Geography Part 2: Environment, the City and Society module (GE12002)

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GE12002 - Introduction to Geography Part 2: Environment, City and Society

Semester 2, 20 Credits

This module introduces students to global environmental issues, cities and their linkages to contemporary social issues. It provides an introduction to cartography and spatial data before exploring themes of air quality, health and wellbeing in an urban context. We go on to examine the growing importance of cities, exploring key drivers for past and present forms of urbanisation, the development of world cities, sustainable urban development, risk and security. The module specifically compares urban issues in both the developed and developing worlds. The module comprises a series of lectures, fieldwork (in the form of student-led ‘city-walks’ in Dundee) and group work, and workshops which allow students to develop a range of key skills (cartography, data analysis, urban analysis, presentations).


This module is available on following courses: