Data Visualisation for Business module (BU51037)

Understanding and communicating business data is crucial, this module will help you choose and create the right visual aids for different situations.

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You will learn how to communicate data effectively, using theories and practical data visualisation knowledge to help you in the world of business. Visualisation is essential for showcasing data and expressing a specific story to your audience. Managers employ various methods to communicate numerical data and information effectively.

What you will learn

In this module, you will learn:

  • data visualisation and communication principles
  • visualisation techniques and tools for developing effective visualisations

The materials covered in the module include accessing, managing and using data and the ethics, approaches, and methods of data visualisation.

The data visualisation theory is explored using software applications, including R/RStudio, Microsoft Excel and Power BI. We will develop advanced visualisation and dashboards for communicating key performance indicators.

By the end of this module, you will learn to:

  • manage data sources for visualisation
  • identify different types of data visualisation and the contexts they are applied
  • analyse and present data using appropriate visualisation tools
  • develop visualisations using Dashboards and R/RStudio

Assignments / assessment

The module will be assessed using the following:

  • coursework 1: Theory of data (50%) - A critique of the use of visualisation in existing applications
  • coursework 2: Practical visualisation (50%) - Hands-on development of visualisation from existing datasets

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

You will participate in:

  • lectures
  • tutorials
  • lab sessions

Learning resources include:

  • videos
  • lecture slides
  • books
  • tutorial questions
  • other library resources


This module is available on following courses: