Competition and Market Regulation module (BU31010)

Learn about competition, market regulations, and policy, and how it impacts the performance of markets and the strategic behaviour of firms.

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You will learn about the performance of markets and the strategic behaviour of firms, the field of Industrial Organisation (IO) and market design. You will be introduced to imperfect competition, cooperation between firms, and common regulations such as anti-trust laws.

Competition and Market Regulations aim to promote a level playing field, protect consumer interests, and encourage innovation and competition. You will be introduced to the policies and laws imposed by governments to ensure fair competition and prevent monopolistic practices in the marketplace.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • use relevant models of imperfect competition to consider both the strategic behaviour of firms and the role of regulations
  • apply economic theory and models in the analysis of markets
  • employ key economic concepts such as market efficiency to structure policy issues in a variety of regulatory contexts
  • frame competition problems within their broader social, political, and historical context

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand how Market Regulations are enforced maintain healthy competition and foster a competitive market environment
  • describe the influence of market structure the conduct and performance of organisations
  • identify the reasons for government intervention in the economy and the tools available to improve market outcomes

Assignments / assessment

Coursework Essay-writing Assignment (30%)

  • Given in week 1
  • Due in week 8
  • 1,000 words
  • 45 hours of effort expected

First class test (30%)

  • Taken in week 5
  • 40 hours of effort expected

Second class test (40%)

  • Taken in Week 11
  • 44 hours of effort expected

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

Each week expect in-person lectures and tutorials, additionally you are expected to spend around 4 hours per week on independent study for this module.

Week Topics covered
1 No teaching
2 No teaching
3 Mathematics revision
4 Introduction & market power
5 Price discrimination
6 Reading week
7 Oligopoly
8 Strategic behaviour
9 Dynamic oligopoly pricing
10 Market definition and Regulation
11 Vertical relationships

There are 9 weeks of teaching. For this module, the exact dates of teaching and/or reading weeks are to be confirmed.


This module is available on following courses: