
Reset your forgotten password

Updated on 29 January 2024

If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it yourself using your phone or an alternative email address.

On this page

If you have a staff, student, or applicant account, you can reset your password yourself. But, you can only do this if you set up your self-service details. If you have not set this up, you can request a manual password reset.

Applicants: your temporary password is in the email with the subject Thank you for your application

If you have an honorary, third-party or system account, you can only reset your password by contacting the Service Desk.

Reset your forgotten password

  1. Open the Microsoft Password Reset page (click or tap the orange button below)
  2. Choose whether to use email, text, or phone call to reset your password
  3. Wait for your code to arrive
  4. Type the code into the box on screen
  5. You will be asked to set up a new password

Once you have got your new password you'll need to update your wifi settings (on all devices), your saved passwords in your browser, and anywhere else your password is saved.

If you're using macOS you'll also need to update your keychain for eduroam.

You can also reach this page by clicking or tapping Can't access my account or Forgotten my password on the Microsoft Office 365 login screen

Set up self-service password reset

Self-service password reset lets you get back into your account in minutes. If you forget your password, but haven't set this up, you'll need to contact the service desk which is much slower.

To use the service you first need to add a mobile phone number, or personal email address, or both, to Microsoft's password reset service.

Your phone number and email is held by Microsoft only to allow for password resets. It will not be used either by Microsoft or the University for any other purpose.

If you're still unable to reset your password

If you cannot reset the password or multi-factor authentication by text or alternative email, you can ask the service desk to reset your information.

Your request will go into the Service Desk queue which is monitored during office hours