
Change your password

Updated on 7 July 2023

Your password is the key to your account, do not share it even with someone who claims to be University staff

On this page

Your password:

  • needs to be between 14-20 characters
  • can contain upper and lower case, numeric and special characters except £ $ \ / ' " ` Space
  • can't include any part of your name or username
  • can't be a password you've used before

If you have a Life Sciences account, you should then change your Life Sciences password to make it match.

Set up self-service password reset

Add a phone number / alternative email so you can reset a forgotten password 24 hours a day without having to contact the Service Desk

Forgot your password?

Click on 'Forgot my password' at the online email login page to self-reset your forgotten password (option will only appear if you've added your details as above and aren't an applicant). Get in touch if you need help.

Password security

We will never ask you to disclose your password to us or embed clickable links in emails asking you to change your password. The strength of your password is your responsibility, so please choose wisely each time.


Change your password