
Apply for discretionary funding if you are an international student

Updated on 18 July 2024

Who is eligible for the SAAS International Students Emergency and University International Student Emergency Funds, and how to apply.

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Applications now closed

Applications to the Discretionary Fund are now closed and will re-open the week beginning 16 September 2024.  Emergency assistance is in the form of supermarket vouchers.

If you are experiencing an unexpected change of circumstance, the SAAS International Students Emergency Fund or University International Student Emergency Fund could provide some support. For example, an unexpected change could be a loss of income due to illness or death in the family. Or, it could be being unable to return home because of conflicts or the fear of persecution.

You cannot use any money you may receive to pay for tuition fees.

Who can apply

International students who are:

  • facing financial hardship due to a significant change in circumstances and at risk of not being able to continue with your studies.


  • a non-UK domiciled student with International fee status.


  • a UK-domiciled student who is not eligible to receive living cost support from a UK funding body.

In addition, if you are applying to the:

  • SAAS International Students Emergency Fund, you must have applied to the Home Office for a form of leave or extension of right to stay in the UK.
  • University International and European Discretionary Fund, you must have been studying with us for 6 months before being eligible to apply to this fund.

How to apply

Apply via My Dundee (login required)

Student Funding

+44 (0)1382 384801

Guide category Student support