Xiaoyue (Eve) Zhang

Online Exhibition after the Covid-19 Pandemic —Audience Re-Engagement with Art Museums in China and the UK.

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, museums had to close temporarily – often for long periods -  leading to restrictions in audience access to exhibitions and information. As a result of this curators needed to develop new innovative strategies for audience engagement through online exhibitions. Thus, this research particularly explores the emergence of online exhibitions in art museums since 2019 focusing on how museums in the UK and China engage with audiences post-pandemic. I aim to analyse how online exhibitions developed in response to the lockdown (since 2019) might compare to pre-COVID approaches to online curating; what opportunities and challenges emerged in this new context in terms of access, user interaction and curatorial work. And I will also explore the gaps that exist between the museum’s intentions to engage with audiences through online exhibitions and audiences' experience of interaction. 

Names of Supervisors:  

  • 1st Supervisor - Dr Judit Bodor 
  • 2nd Supervisor – Dr Anna Notaro 
A computer screen showing a simplistic design with different button functionalities.