Explore your career options: if you know what you want to do

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You might have a clear idea of what you want to do but aren’t really sure how to get there. Perhaps you have a specific job in mind but are unsure about the necessary qualifications or the experience that would give you an advantage. Where would you look for opportunities?

To help you get this information, have a look at Prospects job profiles.

Exploring Specific Sectors

Maybe you are looking at a job in a specific sector – for example, the financial or environmental sectors – but are not quite clear on what roles are available and which one is right for you. If so, there is lots of sector-specific career information at Prospects and TARGETJobs.

Targeting Specific Employers

Finally, it may be that you have a specific employer in mind that you would love to work for. As well as looking at the employer’s own website and social media, you can find lots of useful information on some of the top graduate employers at TARGETjobs Employer Hubs


We're here to help

Whatever your questions may be, remember that the Careers Service is here to help you. So please just get in touch to speak to one of our careers advisers.