Date of entry

September 2025


You will take part in highly interactive teaching sessions where you will be given the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned. This will include:

  • Lectures
  • Workshops
  • Tutorials

You will also take part in sessions that are hosted by industry professionals, where you will learn how the skills that you are taught within the classroom can be applied within the wider computing sector.


You will be assessed through a combination of coursework and end-of-semester exams.

Coursework is often practical, for example:

  • writing computer programs
  • designing interfaces
  • writing reports
  • constructing web sites
  • testing software
  • implementing databases
  • analysing problems
  • presenting solutions to clients

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: CS11001 Credits: 10 Semester: Semester 2

Explore HTML and Semantic Web Elements, used to structure, and organise webpages, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). These systems are also used to style and format webpages.

Learn about the historical and social aspects of the web, as well as the core web technologies that make it possible.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: CS21001 Credits: 10 Semester: Semester 1

Learn how to present yourself best for entering, working, and leaving a workplace environment.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: CS31002 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

Study fundamental cryptography and security concepts for software applications.

Learn how to identify and address security threats, and explore specification and implementation of security protocols.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: CS41001 Credits: 60 Semester: Semester 1

Carry out a large, individual software development project.

Your Honours project marks the culmination of your studies and brings together the knowledge and skills you have gained throughout your studies.

Contact our enquiry team

If you have any questions about the admissions process, studying, or living in Dundee, please contact us

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