Non Medical Prescribing Module

School of Health Sciences

Suitable for healthcare professionals and independent practitioners who prescribe in their current role, and meet their professional governing body requirements

Date of entry

September 2024

Start date
Sunday 1 September 2024
3 months (part time)
Online / Dundee / Kirkcaldy

This course will prepare you to prescribe safely, appropriately, and cost effectively as an independent and supplementary prescriber (nurses, midwives and specialist/community nurses, physiotherapists, podiatrists, therapeutic radiographers, and paramedics) or as a supplementary prescriber (dieticians and diagnostic radiographers).

During the course you will learn:

  • Consultation skills in prescribing: assessing the patient, considering the options, reaching a shared prescribing decision, providing information including monitoring and review
  • Public health prescribing in the context of duty to patients/clients and society: including antimicrobial stewardship, including antibiotics and vaccines
  • Clinical pharmacology knowledge: including the effects of co-morbidity pharmacology, pharmaco-dynamics, pharmaco-kinetics, and pharmaco-therapeutics             
  • Applying evidence-based practice and clinical governance in relation to non- medical prescribing: including prescribing rationale, adherence to medications and national and local formularies
  • Gaining understanding of the legal, policy and ethical aspects of prescribing: including legislation that impacts upon prescribing practice including liability and indemnity
  • Prescribing governance skills: includes prescribing safely, professionally, and improving prescribing practice as part of a team

The content of the course aligns to requirements Regulatory Body approval (Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) and The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) including:

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