Research project

Institute for Social Science Research Global Scholar Programme

We are seeking to explore how the right of access to environmental information is utilised in Scotland.

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Start date

January 2018

Completion date

November 2021

Professor Madeline Kass (Distinguished Scholar in Residence & Visiting Professor at Seattle University School of Law and Professor Emeritus at the Thomas Jeffersob School of Law) and the Centre for Freedom of Information have been successful in applying to the Institute for Social Science Research Global Scholar Programme.

Professor Kass will be visiting the University of Dundee in September to work alongside Dr Sean Whittaker, Dr Jonathan Mendel and Professor Colin Reid to examine the intersection of the legal right to access environmental information and the role of journalists in informing the public on environmental issues.

This research will continue the work of the Centre for Freedom of Information in researching the right of access to environmental information.


External team members

Professor Madeline Kass (Distinguished Scholar in Residence & Visiting Professor at Seattle University School of Law and Professor Emeritus at the Thomas Jeffersob School of Law)

Collaborating Stakeholders

This project has been designed with the collaboration of key stakeholders in Scotland’s environmental information regime, notably the Scottish Information Commissioner, Scottish Natural Heritage and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. In addition to assisting with the design of this project, these bodies have also agreed to sharing statistical data on website usage and to participating in the Advisory Board.

Advisory Board Members

The members of the Advisory Board for the project are:

  • Rhoda Davidson, Scottish Natural Heritage
  • Daren Fitzhenry, Scottish Information Commissioner
  • Bridget Marshall, Scottish Environment Protection Agency
  • Carole Ewart, Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland
  • Professor Elizabeth Fisher, University of Oxford
  • Doctor Áine Ryall, University College Cork

The research team will also be seeking an individual to represent the users of the Scottish environmental information regime in due course.