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Dr Tom Eaves is an applied mathematician and fluid dynamicist whose research aims to distil important processes in fluid flow and in industrial processes to their key mechanistic description via mathematical modelling, simulation, and experiment. He joined the University of Dundee as a Lecturer in Environmental Fluid Mechanics in January 2020, following a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of British Columbia and MMath and PhD degrees at the University of Cambridge.

Dr Eaves’ particular areas of expertise include:

  •  The dynamical systems interpretation of shear flows and drag reduction
  • Stratified shear flows and algorithmic identification of ocean mixing events
  • Compressible porous media and processes in the pulp and paper industry

He is also interested in reactive porous media such as sea-ice mushy layers, the effect of stochastic perturbations on bifurcations in dynamical systems, and the fate of microplastics in our estuaries, coastlines, and oceans.


Dr Eaves teaches modules in Civil, Mechanical, and Biomedical Engineering degrees. He is currently involved with:

  • EG11003 Science and Engineering Mathematics 1A
  • EG22010 Solid Mechanics 
  • ME22002 Mechanics of Machines

In previous years he has also taught CE40003/EV40001 Water Resources and Treatment and CE50033 Coastal Processes and Engineering Applications.